Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Frostbitten Morning

     As I take my first step into the desolate wasteland I am hit with an immense cold. The barren grad parking lot seems devoid of life, a sight I have become accustomed to seeing at 8:25 in the morning. The warmth of my car tries to tempt me into staying inside. As I struggle to continue onwards a -20°C force field tries to halt my journey to the front door. My backpack is weighing me down like a ship’s anchor and seems to be trying to help the cold stop me. Sprinting with all my might against what seems to be impossible odds I somehow manage to get inside on time. Despite the harsh conditions outside, I am greeted by the bright happy faces of the people in Jazz Band and the early bus commuters. I stand around and wait to warm up. Just as I am about to head to class, fellow grads that survived the trek through the bitter cold begin to trickle though the doors. They walk in slow strides, dragging their heels, and look at the floor with an expression of contempt drawn on their faces. They unleash a tidal wave of unenthused murmurs and their sighs threaten to sweep me out to sea. Their tired eyes demand more rest and their dreary heads struggle to stay awake. Suddenly silence sweeps across the hallway. A teacher has made their presence known and seems to be looking for someone. I know the teacher, but do not recall doing anything that would upset them so I feel fairly safe. At least I do until he starts advancing towards me. Thoughts race through my head as I try to think of anything that I might have done recently. Students quickly hurry past me, glancing over in sheer horror. Mr.Vancamp towers over me and begins to open his mouth to speak. I fear for the worst. I am ready to accept my fate, but remarkably he says a name unfamiliar to me. I twirl around and see a small student awkwardly trying to hide behind me. Vancamp points distinctly and asks to speak to them in private, and I hastily scurry out of their way as they march off. Once he is out of sight I breathe a deep sigh of relief. Suddenly the bell alarms, almost as if it is trying to wake students before class. The chaotic chatter resumes, the pathways twist, and turn and the halls transform into a obstacle course as students try head off to their respective classes. It heralds the start of a new adventure, as the day is finally about to begin.

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